Thursday, 19 July 2018


An idealist with both strong intellect and the financial capabilities to support his ideas, Max von Stephanitz also possessed the determination, drive, and dedication to put his ideas into practice.

His perception of a herding puppy dog was of an extremely intelligent, vigorous puppy dog, of stable character and with many of the physical attributes belonging to the wild puppy dog- fleet of foot, long of wind, and untouched by the extremes of other breeds. He was well on his way to beginning the GSD history.
Until Horand, herding dogs came in a variety of shapes, sizes, types and abilities. Shepherds in Germany like elsewhere in the world, chose their dogs for their fitness, mental and physical, and for work only, and cared little for the dogs appearance. Max von Stephanitz had very positive ideas about the mental, anatomical, and bio-mechanical characteristics required of a herding puppy dog. He had a great understanding of the mental and anatomical requirements of a working shepherd puppy dog.

Very possibly by chance, the beginning of the GSD history started at a puppy dog show in Germany. While at the puppy dog show, a medium-sized yellow-and-gray wolflike puppy dog caught the attention of von Stephanitz, attending the show with his friend Artur Meyer.

This puppy dog, Hektor Linksrheim, was immediately purchased by von Stephanitz and renamed Horand von Grafrath.

Horand became the first registered German Shepherd puppy dog, with the number SV1.

Only weeks later von Stephanitz and his friend Artur Meyer founded the Verein für Deutsche Schaferhunde, or SV (German Shepherd puppy dog Club), along with the help of a few other co-founders. The puppy dog club, the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV), was to become the largest and most powerful puppy dog breed club in the world and a major step in GSD history.

A standard for the GSD breed was soon developed based on mental stability and utility. The captain’s motto was “Utility and intelligence”. To him beauty was secondary, and considered a puppy dog worthless if it lacked the intelligence, temperament, and structural efficiency that would make it a good servant of man.

The German Shepherd puppy dog breed standard was developed as a blueprint listing the exact function and relationship of every aspect of structure, gait, and inherent attitude, combined with a comprehensive breeding regulation, which required that dogs used for breeding had first to prove their worth physically and mentally.

Later, using the co-operation of local police and working puppy dog clubs, a set of specific puppy dog tests were developed in tracking, formal obedience, and protection work. This developed into present day Schutzhund puppy dog trials – another important part of the GSD history. The authorities were persuaded to utilize the German Shepherd puppy dog in many branches of government service and served during the war as supply carriers, sentinels, Red Cross dogs, messenger dogs, tracking and guard dogs, to name a few.

The German Shepherd puppy dog, historically speaking, was just gaining notice in the United States when World War I broke out. In 1917, when America entered World War I, all things German became tabu. The AKC changed the name of this puppy dog breed to the Shepherd puppy dog and the German Shepherd puppy dog Club of America became the Shepherd puppy dog Club of America. In England, the name of the German Shepherd puppy dog breed was changed to the Alsatian.

Take this trouble for me: Make sure my shepherd puppy dog remains a working puppy dog, for I have struggled all my life long for that aim.

The breeding of shepherd dogs is the breeding of working dogs; and this must always be the aim, or we shall cease to produce shepherd dogs.

The puppy dog essentially thinks through his nose.

Even the most perfectly built puppy dog is of no use if he does not possess the incentive to give of his best and of his uttermost.

The impulse for work is born in our dogs.

The puppy dog who is kept in the kennel…is no better than a beast caged for show.

The working puppy dog is trained to be very smart on the word of command, but he learns to understand very much more beyond it, if only his master will take the necessary pains with him.

Show me your puppy dog, and I will tell you what manner of man you are.

A good puppy dog observes his master so closely that he almost knows him better than he does himself, and he must often indeed wonder that the reverse occurs so rarely.

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The post GERMAN SHEPHERD ONE MAN ARMY. appeared first on Professional Dog Advice.

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