Sunday 11 November 2018

Could the German Shepherd pitbull mix be the right puppy for you and your family? Could the German Shepherd pitbull mix be the right puppy for you and your family? The German Shepherd pitbull mix is one of the most intelligent dogs and easy to train.The German Shepherd Pitbull mix is also known as the German pit or German Sheppit. They are a mixed breed between the German Shepherd and the American Pitbull Terrier. Both breeds have a bad reputation for being aggressive, so with the breed mixed, people automatically assume this breed is also aggressive, but the truth is that each of these breeds with the right training and lots of love are the most lovable companions for you and your family. The German Shepherd Pitbull mixed puppy is very loyal and loving. The German Pit is an extremely intelligent puppy! You can start training German Shepherd pitbull mix puppies as early as 7 weeks old and they will know all the basic commands very early on. Watch this video to see if the German Shepherd Pitbull mix breed is the right puppy for you and your family.


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